Photo by Julianna Loukko

Coming into this course I have little experience in practical tech for education, specifically younger age groups. Many know of the smart boards and computer labs, but how can we go deeper to provide more meaningful and effective opportunities for our students?

Looking at technology having the ability to be a powerful tool and any are optimistic about its use, though understanding that it can be used irresponsibly as well as many have anxiety towards it.

Banning phones and technology outright is it is both taking away helpful tools and learning opportunities, as well as not helping to foster safe tech use. If students want, they will find a way. Thus, we need to learn how to use them/tech responsibly and respectfully, rather than allow them to develop unhealthy/unsafe habits. Modeling proper use and allowing space for tech can help, along with understanding and clear guidelines (that the students can help create and agree to). This brings up age. Yes the above statements are more applicable for older grades, however, as a teacher you do not know what your students are interacting with digitally outside of school and want them to have tools before needing to use them, you can build responsible practices and thinking even without tech so they are ready when they do use it, and many schools have Chromebooks/desktops/iPads and you want them to be safe using those too.

ISTE tools/benefits; Equitable Access, Resource Credibility, Manage/Protect Data, Collaboration, Learn Alongside Students, Accommodate Learner Differences, Different Learning Activities, Facilitator, Classroom Management, Creativity, Alternative Assessments, Track/Guide Progress.